Intrastat – statistics on the trade in goods between the EU member countries.
For trade flows of arrival or dispatch of goods or both with the EU countries a business that exceeds the annual Intrastat threshold is required to file Intrastat reports.
When the Republic of Croatia joined the EU customs declarations for trade flows within the EU disappeared, however there’s a requirement for Intrastat reports if the threshold is exceeded.
For the year 2017 this threshold amounts to:
- 1.700.000,00 HRK for arrival
- 750.000,00 HRK for dispatch
Intrastat report is a statistical report that follows-up the trade in goods between the EU member states and transfer of economic ownership over the goods.
What does a monthly report show
A monthly report shows invoiced and statistical values of trade with delivery requirements according to Incoterms rules with the implementation of combined nomenclature against general regulations, all of which is our daily scope of work and not only a part of filing the Intrastat forms. What with free deliveries, credit notes, refunds and exchange of commodities, refinement works, consignment?
Don’t worry, entrust us with producing the monthly statements, we know how!
Our clients’ trust, accuracy of our reports in a day-to-day production of forms for entities presenting various production and trade segments as well as praises by relevant state bodies is our best recommendation.
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